Tuesday, August 4, 2009

D. A. Carson on Inerrancy of Scripture

Dr. Don Carson is one of the greatest minds that God has blessed the Church with in these days. Here he speaks on one of the most crucial topics for today. This also can be found on The Gospel Coalition Website.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Technology, you know i love it.

qrcodeThis is pretty cool, it is a bar code that contains the url of this blog and these can be made here. I found this on the blog ten digit lumber that i started to follow recently(It was sort of a follow of a follow of a follow.) Any way i have to go. Check out this site and that blog.

Grace and Peace,

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


In my last few years of study, i have grown to appreciate audio materials as well as written. I have 3 gigabytes of D. A. Carson's Sermon audio on my Ipod and some video as well. Carson is one of the brightest minds(Christian or otherwise) of our day. I stand in awe of his ability to formulate and deliver such a wealth of information at such a rapid pace. That being said, i tripped upon a catalog of his written works.
It can be found here. Andy Naselli is serving as Dr. Carson's lackey while he is on the PhD program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He has comprised this list of Carsons works. If you have a Kindle. This is right up your alley. If you have an extra kindle, please send it my way.

Grace and Peace,

Sunday, May 31, 2009

If you see me without a book in my hand, slap me!

I was looking at the summer ahead and trying to thinkabout any amount of free time i had. It was impossible. Sessions at school run form February to August, so there is no summer break. In fact classes are really just amping up for me again. I'll be taking Prophetic Voice, Torah, and Systematic Theology...

In addition, i will preach a few times this summer, and formating and giving a biblical Interpretation class for the Adult Sunday School this Summer. So i asked my wife to do 2 things: 1.) Pray for me 2.) If she sees me without a book in my hand, she has permission to slap me!

Grace and Peace,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thoughts on the Gospel Coalition National Conference

This past week, i attended the 2009 Gospel Coalition National Conference. As a current undergrad student, heading towards a Masters in Divinity, it was amazing. Pursing the path to pastoral ministry as been long, but i was never so reassureed as i was this week. The faithful expositions of 2 Timothy by the pastors there was amazing. I had the oppurtunity to talk to several seminaries, and interns at other Churches around the world. The publishing houses that were there offered great discount deals as well as gave away some free titles. I spent about $100 and walked away with almost $300 in books. Not to mention a hardback cover of the ESV study bible.
Each session was challenging and reassuring. The theme was "Entrusted with the Gospel," and as the pastors brought forth the message, it felt like the Holy Spirit was sitting write next to me taoing me on the shoulder. D.A. Carson, John Piper, Tim Keller, Mark Driscoll, Phil Ryken, Ligon Duncan, Ryan Chappel, Kenneth Copeland. Josh Harris, and Colin Smith all served the Lord well this week.
I went to the front and met D. A. Carson, just to give thanks for arranging such an event. What a gracious example of living a life held captive to the gospel! He even remembered the name of my pastor, who was a student of his a decade ago.

It would appear that Matt Finn has already compiled a central hub with which to access all the Audio and available notes access that here. Check it out!

Grace and Peace,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gospel Coalition National Conference 2009

Heading out the door to it. Will bring news...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Formal Intro.

Okay, sorry about the late start up. My name is Gary, i am a currently acquiring my B.A. in Christian Ministry, by attending 18 hours of school and working 40 hours a week, with a wife and 6 month old baby girl at home. I firmly believe that as the media becomes available it should be "infected with Christ." That is to say, i that Christians of spiritual ages should be involved with representing Christ in their various venues. I am being shaped for Vocational Ministry, and as that happens i will blog about it periodically, at times just a micro blog, other times lengthy blabbering. Other interests that you might see in here include: Guitar, Golf, Hiking(long-distance or otherwise), the Cubs, Cultural Phenomenon, and my favorite TV show LOST. It may not be about school, ministry or, me. However it will always be about God.
For now I'm off to homework

Grace & Peace,