Friday, March 6, 2009

Formal Intro.

Okay, sorry about the late start up. My name is Gary, i am a currently acquiring my B.A. in Christian Ministry, by attending 18 hours of school and working 40 hours a week, with a wife and 6 month old baby girl at home. I firmly believe that as the media becomes available it should be "infected with Christ." That is to say, i that Christians of spiritual ages should be involved with representing Christ in their various venues. I am being shaped for Vocational Ministry, and as that happens i will blog about it periodically, at times just a micro blog, other times lengthy blabbering. Other interests that you might see in here include: Guitar, Golf, Hiking(long-distance or otherwise), the Cubs, Cultural Phenomenon, and my favorite TV show LOST. It may not be about school, ministry or, me. However it will always be about God.
For now I'm off to homework

Grace & Peace,